As we prepare for the Solctice my guidance is to clear my unbusy schedule & rest. Even though my day is only a fraction of the busy it was as a pathologist, my awakening process has led to a complete 360 degrees flip. I’m not sure now whether I am unable to maintain the constant activity, or whether my body & mind have just gone on strike. Telling me enough is enough.

I still have a strong desire to help & support the planet & any people who feel drawn, but have barely put myself out there with my work this year & when I have, I have had little interest returned. When this happens I could think there is negative interference, dark magic, psychic attacks or blocks to success stopping me from moving forward.

Yes all of those things happen.

But the biggest block to my success is me constantly pushing myself & not heeding the signs.

I have come far enough, that when clients dwindle, or I have more free time, it is an invitation to rest more, be still, integrate & face more shadow, should it arise. I will let you into another secret. I am not interested in fame & gaining huge recognition or popularity. I want to help people, but not if it means sacrificing myself. I want to have enough time & energy to enjoy life. I need to pay the bills, the same as everyone & am blessed to now have the means to bring in outside revenue, through the energy modalities I have trained in, but really like many others I am aiming for passive income, so there is no onus to earn money, even if it is doing what I love.

I feel I need even more time off to work on my physical vessel & to give myself space for a bigger purpose to come through. Perhaps I need to see how things unfold, before it is revealed, or perhaps it will show itself as things are unfolding – I think this is what is happening. Either way it feels big, for me personally & the planet.

My idea of success now, isn’t measured by money or status, but personal fulfilment, being in service & experiencing joy. It’s funny to find myself aged 51 & in the crumbling of the old system to realise, that what has been lacking in my life, is the pursuit of joy. Is it possible to be financially secure & happy at this challenging time? I think it is possible, because I truly believe anything is!
Whether the governmental controlled digital currency comes in, or a new fair currency that actually works for the people, or exchange of skills develops, we will carve out a way to be safe, secure & have our needs met. I know times are hard & I am in no way unaffected or impervious to it. I struggle with it daily. But I really do think that those of us that chose to navigate this field awake, have all the tools necessary to cope with the turbulence, as & when it arrives. Until then, let’s make the most of the luxuries we have with gratitude & as much peace & pleasure as we can cram into our stressful lives!
We are the lucky ones, because we find happiness in what is freely available. The wonder of our planet, wildlife & nature is the biggest gift of all. Finding pleasure in the simple things & faith in our abilities will get us through this time.

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